Big News! My reimagined website is open with original watercolours for sale

I'm in New York with Harvey and her Dads until after Thanksgiving. Fall has been cozy, fun and full of company.

Our family Halloween costume was a huge success and won best costume at Cropsy Farm's Fall Festival.

If you're looking for adoration on Halloween try Ursula next year as your costume. People love her! I can’t tell you how many people stopped and asked if they could take a picture.

Harvey and I continue to share a rhythm of play, make believe, imagination, costume changes, dance parties and art.

This visit birthed a new invitation from Harvey. One which mirrored the vulnerable work I'm doing to embrace the feminine aspects of my body, gender and being. I’ve always felt like I was never quite right or not enough of a "real man." I know this is internalized toxic masculinity, and believe it's time gender becomes more expansive and inclusive.

When playing "family" or make believe Harvey assigns me the role of Mother. Some sessions she's my sister and other times she's my daughter Rapunzel. It's darling too how she differentiates; you be nice-mother, or mean-Ursula, if she wants to play Little Mermaid and have me steal her voice.

"Mother. Mother. It's time for bed. Come on, let's go upstairs to your room."

We'll do all the things to get ready for bed, floss our teeth, turn off the lights and snuggle up to each other. Just when I think I'm getting a short moment of quiet...

"It's morning! Good morning. Time to get up."

She continues to steal my heart.

I feel honored she associates her loving Uncle Blue with "mother" during play.

It's a powerful reminder to me that we can be present to others exactly as we are, and can respond to their cues in how we show up.

Can you imagine if I said to Harvey, "Oh honey, I can't be mother, I'm a boy, I need to be father."


My refreshed and reimagined website is officially LIVE on the web.

It's a great place to distract yourself intentionally and get lost in mindfulness, meditation and art.

New offerings are available to work with me individually or in small groups.

I've opened an art gallery.

Online of course!

My first show, entitled 'Exhibition Blue', is ready for exploration and purchases.

Watercolours are officially for sale!

Get a head start on your purchase before I launch the news to the world on Monday.

I've created a secret blog for you to enjoy all of my email content in one place. I'll continually remind you here, but for your information it lives at

If you'd rather I tickle your earbuds, I recorded a short podcast episode that walks you through these details. I'll go in depth about my waitlist process for individual sessions (therapeutic mentoring) and small groups (wise circles)

I hope to see you over at my website.

All my love to your weekend.

Yours Bluely,


For those of you who reached out concerning the availability of specific art pieces, I've locked and marked them as SOLD. They are available and waiting for you. Please reach out to me via email and I'll provide a unique link for you to make your purchase. You have until Monday morning to make this connection.

Alexander Smith

Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher: Spreading compassion, creativity, connection & calm!

Despite the trauma, addiction, fear, and shame, there is a still and centered part of you that remains whole.


Touch a bubble with a feather?