The Ultimate
Guided Meditation Starter Kit
Affordable **Must Have** Mindfulness Resource for the Beginning Meditator and Those with Courage to “Begin Again” and Trust a Fresh Field Guide (That’s Me)
In this starter kit, you’ll learn a simple strategy to reframe the voice inside your head: “Am I doing this the right? There must be something wrong with my brain! What exactly am I supposed to be doing?”
You’ll get instant access to the following:
🀐 1 Introduction Video
🀥 1 Love Letter of Mindfulness with
Suggestions for Practice
🀣 4 Video Teachings
🀧 22 Guided Meditations
🀨 7 Five-Minute Creek/River Meditations
🀩 20% Off An Original Watercolour
🀦 New Meditations Added Seasonally